Vestigium Pty Ltd


To submit a job, please complete the form below.
Once submitted we will contact you should we have any questions.
You will receive a confirmation email that job information has been received.
Thank you for choosing us.

Rapid pay

Service Type *

FAMILY LAW & DIVORCE SERVICE are PERSONAL SERVICE RATE. For all other services Please ring +61418426655 for Quote. All quotes are made at the time with the information at hand. We recommend Legal advice as we cannot give it to you. We will serve your stamped documents from the court, that means YOU must provide the copies stamped by the registry to be served. If your bill is not paid, you will not receive an affidavit of service. Long Range service over one hours to a destination requires a quote on KM and time. Km @ 88c per Km and driving time $88 per hour return plus the fee. This also may require over night stays etc. We reserve the right to adjust the Service fee if the wrong fee is selected or printing is involved. For Jobs requiring Long distance drives please email [email protected] for a quote. Rapid Pay

Optional. Your system's reference number.
Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Tattoos, Phone Number, Vehicle Description, License Plate, Demeanor, etc.