To submit a job, please select the requested Service Type and complete the form below. Once submitted we will contact you should we have any questions. You will receive a confirmation email that job information has been received. Feel free to contact us directly at 843.597.7219.
*****Note. You must enter a new job for each person/entity needing to be served, even if it's at the same address*****
For attorneys who regularly use our service, we can create you a login to our Serve Manager platform, and no cost to you. This allows you to submit jobs, and see all the work in one place. It also allows you to retrieve the affidavit of service and other shared uploads.
We are responsive, proactive, and email real time updates at the time of each attempt when jobs are submitted through our online system. Excellent Customer Service is our goal so don't hesitate to reach out by phone or e-mail with any questions or to discuss unique circumstances.
[email protected]