To submit a job, please complete the form below. Once submitted we will contact you should we have any questions. You will receive a confirmation email that job information has been received. Thank you for choosing us.
TO ALL CLIENTS, PLEASE READ THIS IN ITS ENTIRETY!! PLEASE FILL OUT YOUR FORM COMPLETELY! THE INFORMATION YOU ENTER WILL TRANSFER TO YOUR AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE SO ALL CASE INFORMATION NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE AND GRAMMATICALLY ACCURATE. If you are requesting "same day service" please call us at 512-917-0490 to confirm we have received your request. If you are needing any sort of additional fees for your service such as (but not limited to) witness fees for subpoenas, filing fees for the Secretary of State, or any other fees, please indicate that in the "Service Instructions" section and we can invoice for those separately. Also, we may invoice you for printing cost if your document is over 25 pages. Lastly, if a refund is requested prior to us attempting the service there will be a $15 charge for the time that has gone into the job so far. Thank you for your continued support and business!
Please fill out your billing information below. Your card will be charged for the service.