MJS Investigation

MJS Investigations

To submit a job, please complete the form below.

Please contact our office prior to submitting any work, or shortly after you have submitted your documents to confirm pricing and discuss your specific case.

You will receive a confirmation email that job information has been received. Thank you for choosing us.

Service Type *

Pricing above is not cost of getting something served. This amount will be credited toward the full amount as availability of the services will depend on a number of variables. The only way to get accurate information is to contact our company once you have uploaded documents. If we do not hear from you within an hour of upload we will attempt to contact you. If we are not able we will cancel the job and refund the amount paid.

Optional. Your system's reference number.
Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Tattoos, Phone Number, Vehicle Description, License Plate, Demeanor, etc.

Billing Information

Please fill out your billing information below. Your card will be charged for the service.