Legal Errands, Inc.

Legal Errands, Inc.

To submit a job, please complete the form below. Once submitted we will contact you should we have any questions. You will receive a confirmation email that job information has been received. Thank you for choosing us.

Service Type *

$65 per address (per County) Add $25 for each additional defendant at the same address. $9.95 Priority Mail charge and 10% advance charge for advancing Sheriff's fees. These fees are held in escrow until service is complete and/or the time for service has expired. The actual costs of service (Our fee, Sheriff advance fees, 10% advance charge for advancing Sheriff's fees and Priority mail fee.) are then charged against the escrow account. If funds remain, a refund will be issued to the person or entity issuing the initial payment. If additional funds are due, the person or entity requesting service will be billed and payment is due once invoice is received.

Optional. Your system's reference number.
Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Tattoos, Phone Number, Vehicle Description, License Plate, Demeanor, etc.

Billing Information

Please fill out your billing information below. Your card will be charged for the service.