CODEX Process Service

CODEX Process Service

To submit a job, please complete the form below. Once submitted we will contact you with any questions. You will receive a confirmation email that job information has been received.

***PAYMENT NOTICE: Payment is required prior to first attempt being made unless otherwise directed for well-established clients. Please check your email for invoice and payment instructions.

Thank you for choosing us.

Service Type *

Services listed above are base price quotes only. Fees for additional documents, excessive printing requirements (more than 40 pages), witness/document fees for subpoenas, for jobs outside of our service area, and any other ad hoc requirements may be added to the final invoice. Please include details of your requirements in the service instructions field below for an accurate price quote.

Optional. Your system's reference number.
Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Tattoos, Phone Number, Vehicle Description, License Plate, Demeanor, etc.