California Investigative Service LLC

California Investigative Service

To submit a SERVICE OF PROCESS (AKA SOP), please complete the form below. Please return to the website for products such as printing ($0.15 per page) and Notary ($25) if needed. Once submitted we will contact you should we have any questions. You will receive a confirmation email that job information has been received. Thank you for choosing us.

This Order form is ONLY ONE JOB at a time. If you need Mutiple cases served, or if you wish to start an affiliate relationship, please contact us at 833-847-7533 for correct pricing.

Please note that if you are purchasing a Surveillance for the purpose of SOP the $250 just pays for the investigators time. You will still need to make a separate purchase for the actual SOP.

For any additional services such as Background checks, Private Investigations, Surveillance device sweeping, Polygraph's, and fugitive Recovery. Please visit or call 833-847-7533

Service Type *

Optional. Your system's reference number.
Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Tattoos, Phone Number, Vehicle Description, License Plate, Demeanor, etc.